Thursday, September 20, 2012

Oh Baby


Let's talk about sex. As a 22 year-old sexually active, homosexual male I know at thing or two about sex.

Turns out, I really only knew a thing or two. I knew that you should wear a condom during penetration to prevent disease and that it should be done with someone you loved (awww).

About that condom part, you should wear one during oral sex too. Yeah, I was surprised to learn that herpes can be spread through contact AND fluids. Not once was that mentioned in a health/sex Ed class and none of the pornos I saw had condoms on during oral. Penetration, condoms everywhere - but not during oral.

It was only until I had a steady boyfriend and started to actively seek information about sex that I discovered that little gem. I also learned that spitting after oral can still lead to chlamydia in the throat. Yay!

America is weird when it comes to talking about sex with teens and preteens. There is so much about being sexual healthy, that I've only learned in the past couple of years that could have allowed me to make smarter choices. I'm lucky that my worst sexual experience is heart-break after a relationship ended. But I know a lot of my peers cannot say the same.

That's one thing I'm glad to say about Salem State. This month, and next month, there are a lot of events happening on campus to make students more sexually prepared, including having River Huston coming to speak in Vets' Hall tomorrow. I can only hope she shares some funny insights.

What about you? What's the craziest/weirdest/scariest/most interesting thing you've discovered about sexual health?


  1. Why do you think your sex/health education was lacking? How could it have been improved? Does anyone actually use condoms during fellatio? What about dental dams for women?

  2. Dan Rockwood

    America is a bizarre culture when it comes to dealing with sex. We're talking about reproduction, literally the most natural thing in the animal kingdom, and yet people get so offended when they see it on TV? There is something wrong when people getting killed and ripped apart is ok, but one sex or nude scene and parents will instantly have their children look away.

    At my high school I went to seek more information from the nurse and upon asking I was appalled to hear her say that the high school's official policy is abstinence. So no information, no help, no condoms. This seems to happen a lot in high school. We as a culture need to understand that sex happens, stop being so shocked whenever a teenager gets pregnant, and just start educating people and being more calm about it. Parents should also be able to talk to their kids about it, that's my take on it anyways.
