Wednesday, September 26, 2012

For the Horde!

You guys,

I have a confession. Normally I would not share this part of my life, but I feel like we've gotten really close over the course of this semester so I feel like it's ok for me to be who I truly am.While my birth name is Joe, but true name is T'Flro and I am an orc. I may be in a human's body, but I am the reincarnated spirit of T'Flro.

It is difficult knowing I am trapped in this body, but once a month I head into the wilderness and let my inner beast free.I hunt deer and boar and once I make the kill, barehanded of course, I make a fire and spit the beast until it's medium well. Then I eat straight off the bone. I also always make sure to clean my tusks after every meal.

Ok. Who thinks I'm crazy?

It's fine, because honestly, I think the idea that I'm an orc is ridiculous. I'm human, 100% and I'm not like these guys/gals here, here, and here.  And while I am sure this is a joke blog, she expresses life as a kinfolk very eloquently. Kinfolk, also known as Otherkin, is a subculture where the members think they have a soul of a non-human entity. These range form the mythical (dragons, sphinxes, fairies, angels) to animals (cats, horses, deer, raccoons) to things (aliens, trees, oceans).


For me, I have no idea how to think about kinfolk. Some people think kinfolk suffer from Special Snowflake Syndrome or SSS (neither Otherkin nor SSS is recognized by the American Psychological Association). And a part of me agrees. I want to shake these people and say, "You are not an oak tree. You are a person."

But then I start thinking about the possibility that I am being ignorant. It wasn't until 1974 that homosexuality was no longer considered a mental illness. Furthermore, reincarnation is vital aspect of some religions and the idea of "spirit animals" is kind of common place.

I don't know everything about the universe. I have no idea if it's possible for an eagle's spirit (assuming eagles even have spirits) to be reincarnated into a human's body by mistake. It could be possible for someone to feel phantom wing pain. It's a lot to digest and since the idea of Otherkin is realtively new (earliest cases are reported to be found circa 1990), who knows if I'm sharing a planet with a dragon.

But then again, come on! A dragon, really!?


  1. I have responded to all of your posts, but this damn wordpress site is a nightmare! It will say posted by Anonymous... but it's actually Becky. It is the only way it will allow me to post. I am going to make sure before i go on... loved your post!

  2. Again...this is BECKY not anonymous! :)

    So I believe it is safe to say that these people are in serious denial of reality. Unlike being homosexual for which there is no test, you can DNA test one of these "non-humans" and prove them wrong in as long as it takes to get the test back.

    It was fun pretending to be something I wasn't when I was a child... like a dragon or witch or a whatever the flavor of the day was, but this is somewhat absurd.

    That being said and assuming it effects me in no way, I don't care what they think, it is their life to live and if that is what makes someone tick, then tick tock away!

  3. Lots of other cultures, many of the ones that believe in reincarnation and animal spirits, don't believe in/ experience/ recognize mental illness. So, who knows?

  4. This is something that I was not entirely aware of! As you say, reincarnation is a common belief among other cultures, and whose to say they're wrong? Deja vu, feeling like you've already met someone, arriving some place and feeling like you've been there before? These could all very well be memories from a past life. It is a spiritual train of thought that I am open to and don't necessarily mind, the idea that we have multiple lifetimes to achieve our goals or atone for our wrongs is...well, comforting. So you're right, who necessarily is it to say these people are crazy?

    Along another thought, I recognize that some or many of these people may be anti-social. I frequently say (Sometimes joking, sometimes not) that I love dogs way more than I love people. Do I view myself as a dog? No, though the thought is appealing. I love dogs, why not be one? Anyways, I am firm believer in other people's spiritual beliefs and rituals, do I agree with this one? Not necessarily, but so far as I see it they're not hurting anybody so why not.

  5. I love the way you opened this post. Completely hooked me to keep reading! I've never heard of these kinds of people. All I could think of when I was reading this was my little cousin. When he was younger he used to tell me that he was part dog, platypus, bear, and other things. But I just knew he was a kid with a big imagination. These people, on the other hand, aren't just children living in their own fantasies. They have the serious belief that a part of them is not human. A part of me wants to say good for them. I would love to have the imagination I did when I was a child, escaping from the real world and entering my own. But, how serious do these people go? It doesn't seem to me as playful as the dream world of a child. Could these people be dangerous to society? Are they dangers to themselves? I wonder. Totally interesting topic!
